SchemaSpy Analysis of transmart.i2b2metadata - Columns Generated by
Generated by SchemaSpy on Wed Jun 26 00:11 CEST 2019
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes

transmart.i2b2metadata contains 159 columns - click on heading to sort:
Table Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Comments
custom_meta c_basecode varchar 50  √  null
custom_meta c_columndatatype varchar 50
custom_meta c_columnname varchar 50
custom_meta c_comment text 2147483647  √  null
custom_meta c_dimcode varchar 900
custom_meta c_facttablecolumn varchar 50
custom_meta c_fullname varchar 700
custom_meta c_hlevel int8 19
custom_meta c_metadataxml text 2147483647  √  null
custom_meta c_name varchar 2000
custom_meta c_operator varchar 10
custom_meta c_path varchar 700  √  null
custom_meta c_symbol varchar 50  √  null
custom_meta c_synonym_cd bpchar 1
custom_meta c_tablename varchar 50
custom_meta c_tooltip varchar 900  √  null
custom_meta c_totalnum int8 19  √  null
custom_meta c_visualattributes bpchar 3
custom_meta download_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
custom_meta import_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
custom_meta m_applied_path varchar 700
custom_meta m_exclusion_cd varchar 25  √  null
custom_meta sourcesystem_cd varchar 50  √  null
custom_meta update_date timestamp 29,6
custom_meta valuetype_cd varchar 50  √  null
dimension_description density varchar 255  √  null Indicates the typical density of the dimension. [DENSE, SPARSE]
dimension_description dimension_type varchar 50  √  null Indicates whether the dimension represents subjects or observation attributes. [SUBJECT, ATTRIBUTE]
dimension_description id serial 10  √  nextval('i2b2metadata.dimension_description_id_seq'::regclass)
dimension_description modifier_code varchar 255  √  null The modifier code if the dimension is a modifier dimension
dimension_description name varchar 255 The name of the dimension.
dimension_description packable varchar 255  √  null Indicates if dimensions values can be packed when serialising. NOT_PACKABLE is a good default. [PACKABLE, NOT_PACKABLE]
dimension_description size_cd varchar 255  √  null Indicates the typical size of the dimension. [SMALL, MEDIUM, LARGE]
dimension_description sort_index int4 10  √  null Specifies a relative order between dimensions.
dimension_description value_type varchar 50  √  null T for string, N for numeric, B for raw text and D for date values. [T, N, B, D]
i2b2 c_basecode varchar 50  √  null Code that represents node. E.g., VSIGN:HR. Not used.
i2b2 c_columndatatype varchar 50
i2b2 c_columnname varchar 50 Column of the table of the dimension referred to by this node
i2b2 c_comment text 2147483647  √  null Meant for comments, not for storing study based security tokens.
i2b2 c_dimcode varchar 700 Refers to a dimension element, linked to observations.
i2b2 c_facttablecolumn varchar 50 Column of observation_fact corresponding with c_columnname.
i2b2 c_fullname varchar 700 Full path to the node. E.g., \Vital Signs\Heart Rate\.
i2b2 c_hlevel numeric 22 Number that represents the depth of the node. 0 for root.
i2b2 c_metadataxml text 2147483647  √  null Metadata encoded as XML.
i2b2 c_name varchar 2000 Name of the node. E.g., Heart Rate.
i2b2 c_operator varchar 10 Operator. E.g., like, =
i2b2 c_path varchar 700  √  null
i2b2 c_symbol varchar 50  √  null
i2b2 c_synonym_cd bpchar 1
i2b2 c_tablename varchar 150 Table of the dimension referred to by this node.
i2b2 c_tooltip varchar 900  √  null
i2b2 c_totalnum numeric 22  √  null
i2b2 c_visualattributes bpchar 3 Visual attributes describing how a node should be displayed. Can have three characters at maximum. See OntologyTerm#VisualAttributes for documentation on the values.
i2b2 download_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
i2b2 i2b2_id int8 19  √  null
i2b2 import_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
i2b2 m_applied_path varchar 700
i2b2 m_exclusion_cd varchar 25  √  null
i2b2 sourcesystem_cd varchar 50  √  null
i2b2 update_date timestamp 29,6
i2b2 valuetype_cd varchar 50  √  null
i2b2_secure c_basecode varchar 450  √  null Code that represents node. E.g., VSIGN:HR. Not used.
i2b2_secure c_columndatatype varchar 50  √  null
i2b2_secure c_columnname varchar 50  √  null Column of the table of the dimension referred to by this node
i2b2_secure c_comment text 2147483647  √  null Meant for comments, not for storing study based security tokens.
i2b2_secure c_dimcode varchar 900  √  null Refers to a dimension element, linked to observations.
i2b2_secure c_facttablecolumn varchar 50  √  null Column of observation_fact corresponding with c_columnname.
i2b2_secure c_fullname varchar 900 Full path to the node. E.g., \Vital Signs\Heart Rate\.
i2b2_secure c_hlevel numeric 22  √  null Number that represents the depth of the node. 0 for root.
i2b2_secure c_metadataxml text 2147483647  √  null Metadata encoded as XML.
i2b2_secure c_name varchar 2000  √  null Name of the node. E.g., Heart Rate.
i2b2_secure c_operator varchar 10  √  null Operator. E.g., like, =
i2b2_secure c_path varchar 900  √  null
i2b2_secure c_symbol varchar 50  √  null
i2b2_secure c_synonym_cd bpchar 1  √  null
i2b2_secure c_tablename varchar 150  √  null Table of the dimension referred to by this node.
i2b2_secure c_tooltip varchar 900  √  null
i2b2_secure c_totalnum numeric 22  √  null
i2b2_secure c_visualattributes bpchar 3  √  null Visual attributes describing how a node should be displayed. Can have three characters at maximum. See OntologyTerm#VisualAttributes for documentation on the values.
i2b2_secure download_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
i2b2_secure i2b2_id numeric 18  √  null
i2b2_secure import_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
i2b2_secure m_applied_path varchar 700  √  null
i2b2_secure m_exclusion_cd varchar 25  √  null
i2b2_secure secure_obj_token varchar 50  √  null Token encoding access the node. Refers to bio_data_unique_id in searchapp.search_secure_object. E.g., PUBLIC or EXP:SCSCP.
i2b2_secure sourcesystem_cd varchar 50  √  null
i2b2_secure update_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
i2b2_secure valuetype_cd varchar 50  √  null
i2b2_tag_options tag_option_id serial 10  √  nextval('i2b2metadata.i2b2_tag_options_tag_option_id_seq'::regclass)
i2b2_tag_options tag_type_id int8 19
i2b2_tag_options value varchar 1000  √  null
i2b2_tag_types index int4 10  √  null
i2b2_tag_types node_type varchar 255
i2b2_tag_types shown_if_empty bool 1  √  null
i2b2_tag_types solr_field_name varchar 255  √  null
i2b2_tag_types tag_type varchar 255
i2b2_tag_types tag_type_id serial 10  √  nextval('i2b2metadata.i2b2_tag_types_tag_type_id_seq'::regclass)
i2b2_tag_types value_type varchar 255
i2b2_tags path varchar 700
i2b2_tags tag text 2147483647  √  null
i2b2_tags tag_id int4 10
i2b2_tags tag_option_id int4 10  √  null
i2b2_tags tag_type varchar 400
i2b2_tags tags_idx int4 10
i2b2_trial_nodes c_fullname varchar 700  √  null
i2b2_trial_nodes trial text 2147483647  √  null
ont_db_lookup c_change_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
ont_db_lookup c_comment text 2147483647  √  null
ont_db_lookup c_db_datasource varchar 255  √  null
ont_db_lookup c_db_fullschema varchar 255  √  null
ont_db_lookup c_db_nicename varchar 255  √  null
ont_db_lookup c_db_servertype varchar 255  √  null
ont_db_lookup c_db_tooltip varchar 255  √  null
ont_db_lookup c_domain_id varchar 255  √  null
ont_db_lookup c_entry_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
ont_db_lookup c_owner_id varchar 255  √  null
ont_db_lookup c_project_path varchar 255  √  null
ont_db_lookup c_status_cd bpchar 1  √  null
ont_process_status change_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
ont_process_status changedby_char bpchar 50  √  null
ont_process_status crc_upload_id varchar 5  √  null
ont_process_status end_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
ont_process_status entry_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
ont_process_status message varchar 2000  √  null
ont_process_status process_id numeric 5  √  nextval('i2b2metadata.ont_sq_ps_prid'::regclass)
ont_process_status process_status_cd varchar 50  √  null
ont_process_status process_step_cd varchar 50  √  null
ont_process_status process_type_cd varchar 50  √  null
ont_process_status start_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
ont_process_status status_cd varchar 50  √  null
schemes c_description varchar 100  √  null
schemes c_key varchar 50
schemes c_name varchar 50
study_dimension_descriptions dimension_description_id int8 19
study_dimension_descriptions study_id int8 19
table_access c_basecode varchar 50  √  null
table_access c_change_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
table_access c_columndatatype varchar 50
table_access c_columnname varchar 50
table_access c_comment text 2147483647  √  null
table_access c_dimcode varchar 700
table_access c_dimtablename varchar 50
table_access c_entry_date timestamp 29,6  √  null
table_access c_facttablecolumn varchar 50
table_access c_fullname varchar 700
table_access c_hlevel numeric 22
table_access c_metadataxml text 2147483647  √  null
table_access c_name varchar 2000
table_access c_operator varchar 10
table_access c_protected_access bpchar 1  √  null
table_access c_status_cd bpchar 1  √  null
table_access c_synonym_cd bpchar 1
table_access c_table_cd varchar 65
table_access c_table_name varchar 50
table_access c_tooltip varchar 900  √  null
table_access c_totalnum numeric 22  √  null
table_access c_visualattributes bpchar 3
table_access valuetype_cd varchar 50  √  null
tmp_secure_token secure_obj_token varchar 50  √  null
tmp_secure_token sourcesystem_cd varchar 50  √  null