Table transmart.biomart.genotype_probe_annotation Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
genotype_probe_annotation_id numeric 22
bio_asy_platform_probe_anno.genotype_probe_annotation_id fk_bio_asy_ppa_probe_anno R
snp_name varchar 50  √  null
chrom varchar 4  √  null
pos numeric 131089  √  null
ref varchar 4000  √  null
alt varchar 4000  √  null
gene_info varchar 4000  √  null
variation_class varchar 10  √  null
strand bool 1  √  null
exon_intron varchar 30  √  null
genome_build varchar 10  √  null
snp_source varchar 10  √  null
recombination_rate numeric 18,6  √  null
recombination_map numeric 18,6  √  null
regulome_score varchar 10  √  null
ref_clob text 2147483647  √  null
alt_clob text 2147483647  √  null
created_by varchar 30  √  null
created_date date 13  √  null
modified_by varchar 30  √  null
modified_date date 13  √  null

Table contained 0 rows at Wed Jun 26 00:10 CEST 2019

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
chrom + pos Performance Asc/Asc idx_geno_anno_loc
snp_name Performance Asc idx_probe_anno_snp
genotype_probe_annotation_id Must be unique Asc pk_geno_probe_annotation

Close relationships  within of separation: