Table transmart.deapp.de_subject_sample_mapping
Table to store information about assays, which are associated with high dimensional observations. Assays are typically associated with a patient. There can be many assays per patient, which may be distinguished by sample code, tissue type, platform, etc.

Generated by
Primary key columns
Columns with indexes
Implied relationships
Excluded column relationships
< n > number of related tables
Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
patient_id int8 19  √  null The patient id linking the patient_dimension. Should not be empty, although it is nullable.
site_id varchar 100  √  null
subject_id varchar 100  √  null Corresponds to a part of the sourcesystem_cd column of patient_dimension. The patient_id column should be used for properly referencing patients.
subject_type varchar 100  √  null
concept_code varchar 1000  √  null Refers to concept_cd in concept_dimension. E.g., CTHD:HD:EXPLUNG.
assay_id int8 19 Used as primary key of this table (although it is not an actual primary key and there is not even a proper index for this column). This key is references by high dimensional data tables, like de_subject_microarray_data and de_rnaseq_transcript_data.
patient_uid varchar 50  √  null
sample_type varchar 100  √  null
assay_uid varchar 100  √  null
trial_name varchar 30  √  null Name of the trial this sample is part of. Not used.
timepoint varchar 100  √  null
timepoint_cd varchar 50  √  null
sample_type_cd varchar 50  √  null
tissue_type_cd varchar 50  √  null
platform varchar 50  √  null
de_gpl_info.platform Implied Constraint R
platform_cd varchar 50  √  null
tissue_type varchar 100  √  null
data_uid varchar 100  √  null
gpl_id varchar 50  √  null Id of the GPL platform for this sample. Links to de_gpl_info table.
rbm_panel varchar 50  √  null
sample_id int8 19  √  null
sample_cd varchar 200  √  null Code to distinguish different samples for the same patient.
category_cd varchar 1000  √  null
source_cd varchar 200  √  null
omic_source_study varchar 200  √  null
omic_patient_num int8 19  √  null
omic_patient_id int8 19  √  null
partition_id numeric 131089  √  null

Table contained 0 rows at Wed Jun 26 00:11 CEST 2019

Column(s) Type Sort Constraint Name
timepoint + patient_id + trial_name Performance Asc/Asc/Asc de_subject_smpl_mpng_idx1
patient_id + timepoint_cd + platform_cd + assay_id + trial_name Performance Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc/Asc de_subject_smpl_mpng_idx2
trial_name + concept_code Performance Asc/Asc idx_de_subj_smpl_trial_ccode

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